Slinky Poetry

Slinky jingles for brilliant brain tingles. Open up your heart and embrace your literary smarts!

Slinky rope dart with my teeth. Feeling the flow until..tangle time.
A sesh suspended, a temporary slinky sorrow, the rhythm in my hands ejected.
The trip hop tunes, a tantalising test of my slinky jest.
Not by the skin of my teeth, but through my teeth not my skin. I will soon drape; a slinky rope dart skill cape.

During a slinky practice it's fine to push yourself and tune your praxis.
But on stage off the temptation, intrapersonal consideration,
slink near your level to reduce springy aberrations.

I love slinkies and they love me.
Throw them in the sky, watch the velocity.
Mild wind resistance, a kindly existence.
Angled to perfection,
love that springy complexion.

Rainbow, black and all inbetween,
SlinkyFam welcomes all styles just don't be mean!
Expression of oneself, nurtures a flourishing mind.
Sans such an outlet can become unkind.

Slink time
Bounce off the walls
Panapoly of springs
Helical spirals, joyful fun

Slinkyfam wants a Slinkyfarm. With a tangly, boingy, Slinkybarn.
Own piglets wearing singlets and lovely slinky cows, all lovingly cared for with coil like monobrows.
The sun goes down he'll tend to the fields. Procuring his harvest, a generous slinky yield.
It'll happen one day his own lush land, It's all part of actualising his slinky plan!

Slinkyfam will bewilder and leave impressions using slinkies in his possession.
Watch as Slinkyfam's slinky theatricals and flow artist spectacles bring a spring to your step.
Excitement you'll feel from feet to face, his slinky complexions assured you're in the right place. Enamoured by his slinktastic grace!

Itsy bitsy slinky went down the flight of stairs
The flock of little children, watched closely, quite a stare.
They approached the slinky and got close to it's path.
Tried to catch it swiftly but found it moved too fast.

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